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SR50A-L Sensor ultrasonidos para medida distancia
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Repair Yes
Free Support Yes

Ya está disponible la nueva versión del sensor SR50A para medida del grosor de nieve.

Ver SnowVUE™10.


El sensor de medida de distancia SR50A, basado en ultrasonidos, permite determinar el grosor de la nieve. Determina la distancia emitiendo un pulso ultrasónico y luego calcula el tiempo transcurrido entre la emisión y la recepción del pulso. Es necesario medir la temperatura del aire para corregir las variaciones de la velocidad del sonido en el aire.

Nota: Campbell Scientific recomienda el modelo SR50A-EE-L para uso en condiciones ambientales extremas donde la corrosión pueda ser un problema (como en zonas costeras).

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Ventajas y características

  • Amplio rango de temperatura de funcionamiento
  • Salida de señal seleccionable
  • Robusto para uso en duras condiciones ambientales
  • Utiliza un algoritmo de procesado eco múltiple que asegura fiabilidad en la medida
  • Compatible con la mayoría de dataloggers Campbell Scientific


Descripción detallada

The SR50A was designed to meet the stringent requirements of measuring snow depth, and it uses a multiple echo processing algorithm to help ensure measurement reliability.

SDI-12, RS-232, and RS-485 output options are available for measuring the SR50A. Campbell Scientific’s MD485 interface can be used to connect one or more SR50A sensors in RS-485 mode to an RS-232 device. This can be useful for sensors that require lead lengths that exceed the limits of either RS-232 or SDI-12 communications.

The SR50A replaced the SR50 in March 2007. The newer SR50A is smaller and has different output options than its predecessor. The SR50AH is available with a heater option for locations where rime ice is a problem.

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con SR50A-L: 15

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  1. No. This causes echoes and reflections that confuse the sensor.

  2. Approximately 800 feet. This is a function of the limitations of the SDI-12 signal.

  3. The sensitivity can be adjusted slightly at the factory, but it cannot be recalibrated. Typically, the transducing diaphragm needs to be replaced periodically to maintain calibration. This can be done by the user or at the factory.

  4. This sensor requires regular maintenance in a marine environment. The SR50A-L functions properly if care is taken to keep the vent free of salt accumulation and the interior free of moisture by replacing the desiccant as needed. It may also be necessary to carefully clean the face of the sensor to remove salt deposits.

  5. Because the speed of sound changes with temperature, Campbell Scientific recommends using the SR50A-L in tandem with a temperature sensor for the most accurate measurements.


Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.


Producto Compatible Nota
CR1000 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR1000X (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR200X (retired) SDI-12
CR216X (retired) SDI-12
CR300 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR3000 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR310 SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR350 SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR5000 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR6 SDI-12, RS-232, and RS-485
CR800 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR850 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR9000X (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.


Producto Compatible Nota
21X (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR10 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR10X (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR23X (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR500 (retired) SDI-12
CR510 (retired) SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.
CR9000 (retired)
GRANITE 6 SDI-12 and RS-232. For RS-485, requires an MD485 interface or similar RS-485 to RS-232 interface.


Measurement Description Snow depth
Measurement Time < 1.0 s
Measurement Range 0.5 to 10 m (1.6 to 32.8 ft)
Output Options SDI-12 version 1.3, RS-232, RS-485 (output options selected by configuring internal jumpers)
Baud Rates 1200 to 38400 bps (RS-232, RS-485 modes)
Power Requirements 9 to 18 Vdc (typically powered by data logger’s 12 Vdc power supply)
Beam Acceptance ~30°
Resolution 0.25 mm (0.01 in.)
Accuracy ±1 cm (0.4 in.) or 0.4% of distance to target (whichever is greatest). Requires external temperature compensation.
Operating Temperature Range -45° to +50°C
Temperature Accuracy
  • ±0.2° (at 0° to 50°C)
  • ±0.75° (at -45° to 0°C)
Compliance CE Compliant
Length 10.1 cm (4.0 in.)
Diameter 7.5 cm (3 in.)
Cable Weight 250 g (8.2 oz) for a 4.57-m (15-ft) cable
  • 375 g (13.2 oz) without cable
  • 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)

Maximum Cable Length

-NOTE- Cable lengths greater than 60 m require a heavier gage wire if the power supply drops below 11 Vdc.
SDI-12 60 m (200 ft)
RS-232 60 m (200 ft)
Baud rates ≤ 9600 bps
RS-485 300 m (984 ft)

Power Consumption

Active 250 mA (typical)
Quiescent SDI-12 Mode < 1.0 mA
Quiescent RS-232/RS-485 Modes
  • < 1.25 mA (≤ 9600 bps)
  • < 2.0 mA (> 9600 bps)


SR50A/AT OS v.1.3 (52 KB) 22-08-2007

Current SR50A / AT firmware.
Historial revisiones

SR50A example programs v.1 (11 kB) 22-01-2020

CR6 and CR1000X programs that directly read each type of SR50A output (SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485), and a CR1000 program that reads the RS-485 output using an MD485 Multidrop interface. A 107 sensor provides the temperature measurement needed for temperature compensation. The programs use the data filtering method described in the manual.

Casos de aplicación

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