VISUALWEATHER Software para estación meteorológica


Current Version: 3.1.3

VisualWeather is support software for our weather stations. Version 3.0 or higher supports custom weather stations or the ET107, ET106, and MetData1 preconfigured weather stations. The software allows you to initialize the setup, interrogate the station, display data, and generate reports from one or more weather stations.

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Ventajas y características

  • No requiere conocimientos de programación
  • Se tardan pocos minutos en configurar la estación meteorológica
  • Soporta múltiples estaciones meteorológicas
  • Permite recoger datos de forma manual o programada
  • Stand-alone software--does not require LoggerNet


Descripción detallada

VisualWeather software is for customers who want reliable, real-time weather data and printed reports without worrying about technical details, such as programming or maintaining databases. It allows our pre-configured or custom Campbell Scientific stations to be set up in a few minutes. Multiple weather stations are supported.

VisualWeather's functionality includes program generation, communications, and report generation for preconfigured and custom weather stations. It uses a wizard to walk you through setting up the sensors for your weather station, configuring the communications link and datalogger settings, and defining reports. Based on this setup information, VisualWeather generates the datalogger program for the weather station (for preconfigured stations). You can also use Short Cut (included) for programming custom weather stations.


Communication protocols supported include direct connect, short haul modem, phone modem (including TAPI), RF, phone-to-RF, and TCP/IP. While connected to a weather station with VisualWeather, you can view measurements related to overall datalogger health (battery voltage, internal temperature, error counters), current conditions for the weather station, and current measurement values for each of the sensors being measured as well as data tables stored to memory (for table-based dataloggers). Data can be collected for VisualWeather's report database either manually or on a schedule.

Report Generation

Report generation offers a variety of preconfigured reports for preset or custom intervals based on what sensors are being measured. It also offers a number of calculated values, such as evapotranspiration, Growing Degree Days, etc. The reports are displayed on the screen and the user can print them or save them as an image file. Data can also be exported to an ASCII file for further analysis (for those familiar with Campbell Scientific's data formats, it is TOACI1, which is a comma-delimited data file with heading information). Batch processing of reports is available to automate report generation.

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con VISUALWEATHER: 32

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  1. In the “Backup/Restore Network” entry of VisualWeather Help, it states the following: “Note: Beginning with VisualWeather 3.0, a restore cannot be performed from a backup file created using a version of VisualWeather prior to version 3.0.”

    If a 2.2 backup is restored to a version 3.0 or later, the network structure (that is, station information) will be saved, but the database or historical data will not be saved. The following process, however, can be used to resolve this issue:

    1. Back up the VisualWeather installation using one of two methods:
      • Copy the entire C:\Campbellsci\VisualWeather folder.
      • Use the Network | Backup/Restore Network… option to create a backup file.
    2. Run a 3.0 or later install (trial or standard) over the top of an existing 2.2 install. The install will update the database information to the new format.
    3. Back up the VisualWeather installation using the Network | Backup/Restore Network… option to create a backup file.
    4. Install the VisualWeather program in the new location.
    5. Copy the backup folder onto the new computer. Restore using the Backup/Restore Network… option.
  2. Not at this time. Customers have, however, reported using Campbell Scientific software on OSX computers using XP running in Boot Camp, as well as on other computers in a virtual environment (such as Parallels).

    To test whether VisualWeather will work in a particular environment, download the 30 day trial version in the Downloads section of the VisualWeather product page.

  3. Add reports by following these steps:

    1. On the main VisualWeather screen, click the Reports menu and select Batch Reports….
    2. On the Batch Reports Schedule screen, click the New… button.
    3. On the Batch Report Selection screen, select a weather station.
    4. Select a Report Type option.
    5. Select the Generate According To Schedule option.
    6. In the Interval field, set an interval, such as 1 hour.
    7. On the right side of the screen, checkboxes are selected based on what data is available from the station. Select or clear reports by checking the boxes.
    8. In the Output As: section, check the Web box.
    9. Click the Create Batch button.
    10. Enter a name for the batch.

    When the batch runs, files are created in the web folder, transferred automatically via FTP to the website, and added automatically to the web page. They are listed as additional options on the drop-down report that is displayed after clicking the weather station name in the top left corner.

  4. If patches are available for VisualWeather, they are listed in the Downloads section of the VisualWeather product page.

    Note: Customers who do not have an online account will be asked to enter contact information to download the files. There is no obligation associated with this process, and this information is not shared with, or sold to, third parties.

    Follow these steps to install a patch:

    1. If not already logged in, log in to the Campbell Scientific Customer Center.
    2. If not already viewing the list of VisualWeather downloads, navigate to the Downloads section of the VisualWeather product page.
    3. Click the Download Now link to the right of the patch name.
    4. Save the file to a location that is memorable.
    5. When the download is complete, browse to the selected location where the patch was saved.
    6. Double-click the file to install the patch.
    7. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
  5. The VisualWeather products serve different needs:

    • VisualWeather is the full version of the weather station software.
    • VisualWeather/U is an upgrade to the current version of the weather station software. This item is only available to customers who own an older version of VisualWeather.
  6. No. The purchased version is separate from the trial version. However, any files created using the trial version are stored in the C:\Campbellsci\VisualWeather folder and will be available for use when the purchased version is installed.

  7. There are maximum pointers on three values on the standard VisualWeather screen: Rain Fall, Air Temperature, and Relative Humidity. The pointers can be reset by following these steps:

    1. In the VisualWeather program, close the RTMC Run-Time (passive monitoring) screen.
    2. Restart RTMC Run-Time using either of these methods:
      • Click the Station Data link on the main screen.
      • On the main screen, click the Tools menu, select Web Output Options…, and click the OK button.
    3. On the RTMC Run-Time (passive monitoring) screen, right-click the control, and select the Reset Max Pointer option.
  8. No. The contents of the XML file created for web output are only there for backward compatibility and cannot be controlled by the user. 

  9. Whether a laptop’s modem can make a good connection depends on the type of modem being called at the weather station:

    • If the call is being made to a COM220, a software modem (sometimes called a Winmodem) should work.
    • If a COM200, COM210, or DC112 is used at the station, select an external modem that isn’t a software modem. Customers have reported success using the U.S. Robotics USR5686G and the USR 5637 series of USB dongle modem. Because the USR5686G requires a serial port, a USB-to-serial adapter may be necessary. Campbell Scientific offers the 17394 USB-to-9-Pin Male RS-232 Cable. 
  10. No. VisualWeather does not have the option of adding fields to that file. Additional components are automatically added to the files sent to the website as VisualWeather is updated, but the additional data is not added to webdata.xml.


Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.


Producto Compatible Nota
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Información de compatibilidad adicional

Weather Stations Supported

Visual Weather supports ET107, Toro T107, ET106, MetData1, or custom Campbell Scientific stations. Support for custom weather stations was added in version 2 (released September 2005), and support for the ET107 and Toro T107 was added in version 3.0 (released April 2009).

Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/CR850 CR1000 CR3000 CR5000 CR7X CR9000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X CR9000


Current Version 3.1.3
Sistema operativo Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Vista, or XP


VisualWeather Patch v.2.3 (26.3 MB) 19-12-2008

Upgrade Visual Weather version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 to 2.3.

This patch requires that version 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 exists on the computer.

VisualWeather Patch v.3.1.3 (45.7 MB) 03-08-2012

Upgrade Visual Weather version 3.x to 3.1.3.

This patch requires that version 3.x exists on the computer.

VisualWeather Trial v.3.1.3 (56.1 MB) 03-08-2012

A fully functional 30 day trial version of VisualWeather. 

VisualWeather is for those who want reliable, real-time weather data and printed reports without worrying about technical details.

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