AVW216 Interface cuerda vibrante inalámbrico 2 canales
Reducción importante del ruido en la señal
Incluye radiomodem
meteorología aplicaciones agua aplicaciones energía aplicaciones flujo gas y turbulencia aplicaciones infraestructuras aplicaciones suelo aplicaciones


El AVW216 es un módulo analizador de cuerda vibrante que incluye una radio interna de espectro ensanchado de 2,4 GHz para comunicación inalámbrica en muchos países del mundo. Con este módulo analizador de cuerda vibrante, su registrador de datos puede medir bandas extensométricas de cuerda vibrante, transductores de presión, piezómetros, inclinómetros, fisurómetros y células de carga. Estos sensores se utilizan en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones estructurales, hidrológicas y geotécnicas debido a su estabilidad, precisión y durabilidad.

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Ventajas y características

  • Proporciona mejores medidas al reducir significativamente los efectos de ruido externo
  • Conexión de hasta dos sensores de cuerda vibrante; se pueden conectar mas sensores con multiplexores AM16/32B
  • Diagnósticos de auto-chequeo proporcionan información continua de las condiciones del sensor
  • Alta resolución—menos de 0.001Hz (el estándar es de 0.1Hz)
  • Bajo consumo
  • Funcionamiento remoto inalámbrico con radio incluida
  • Integra las medidas de temperatura y frecuencia de sensores de cuerda vibrante


Descripción detallada

El AVW200 utiliza un innovador método de interpolación espectral para medir la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. Con el método de interpolación espectral, el módulo excita al sensor de cuerda vibrante, midiendo la respuesta, y le realiza una transformada de Fourier; y devuelve el resultado con una resolución mejor de 0.001Hz—todo en dos segundos. Debido a que el análisis espectral puede distinguir señales de ruido en el espectro, este método ofrece buena inmunidad al ruido.

El módulo AVW200 también proporciona auto-diagnósticos como potencia de la señal del elemento vibrante, relación señal-ruido, ratio de deterioro del elemento vibrante, y respuesta de señal incorrecta. Estos diagnósticos se pueden ejecutar en segundo plano para dar así información contínua de las condiciones de cada sensor.

El AVW216 se utiliza típicamente para transmitir datos a un radiomoem RF416 conectado a un datalogger. El AVW216 también puede conectarse directamente al datalogger.

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con AVW216: 12

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  1. No. An AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216 is not capable of communicating with other AVW200-series modules.

  2. The AVW216 uses a 50 mW radio, and the AVW206 and AVW211 use 100 mW radios. If a radio with a higher output is desired, consider using the RF450 with the AVW200. The RF450 transmits at 1 W, which is 10 times the power of the radios in the AVW devices.

  3. The AVW200-series modules are not required, but they do reduce the chance of erroneous readings by filtering electrical noise that is sometimes present.

  4. The AVW200 must be wired directly to the data logger via a cable.

    The AVW206, AVW2011, and AVW216 have built-in spread-spectrum radios tuned to different frequencies that allow the data logger to communicate with a remote AVW device through an appropriate radio link.

  5. Two probable causes are the following:

    • The SerialOpen() instruction has not been added to the datalogger code.
    • The correct PakBus address setting has not been used in the AVW200 instruction.
  6. It takes 2 s for the AVW200-series modules to acquire a measurement from each sensor. An AVW200-series module servicing two AM16/32B multiplexers, each with 16 vibrating wire sensors, requires approximately 64 s to acquire data.

  7. Two multiplexers, each with a maximum of 16 or 32 sensors per multiplexer, can be attached. If temperature measurements are excluded from each sensor, 32 sensors are possible.


-NOTE- Electrical specifications are valid over a -25° to +50°C range unless otherwise specified. Non-condensing environment required.
Operating Temperature Range -25° to +50°C
Internal Radio Frequency Range 2.450 to 2.482 GHz
Radio Power 50 mW
Number of Vibrating Wire Sensors Measured Up to 2 vibrating wire sensors can be connected to the analyzer module. Additional sensors can be measured by using an AM16/32-series multiplexer.
Power Requirements 9.6 to 16 Vdc
Analog Input/Outputs 2 differential (DF) vibrating wire measurements (V+ and V-) and 2 single-ended (SE) ratiometric resistive half-bridge measurements (T+ and T-) for vibrating wire sensor's onboard temperature sensor.
Digital Control Ports 3 digital control ports (C1 – C3)
  • C1 functions as an SDI-12 I/O communication port.
  • C2 functions as a Clk output for multiplexer control.
  • C3 functions as a Reset output for multiplexer control.
RS-232 Port 1 9-pin RS-232 port (for connecting to a data logger COM port)
Measurement Resolution 0.001 Hz RMS (±250 mV differential input range; -55° to +85°C)
Measurement Accuracy ±0.013% of reading (±250 mV differential input range; -55° to +85°C)
Input Voltage Range ±250 mV (differential) for vibrating wire inputs
Common Mode Range ±25 V
Baud Rates Selectable from 1200 to 38.4 kbps (ASCII protocol is one start bit, one stop bit, eight data bits, and no parity.)
  • Either 128 or 512 kB of SRAM
  • 2 MB of OS Flash
Dimensions 21.6 x 11.18 x 3.18 cm (8.5 x 4.5 x 1.2 in.)
Weight 0.43 kg (0.95 lb)

Typical Current Drain @ 12 Vdc

Quiescent, Radio Off ~0.3 mA
Radio Duty Cycling 1 s ~3 mA (includes quiescent current)
Radio Always On ~26 mA (radio transmit current 100 mA)
Active RS-232 Communication ~6 mA (3 s after communication stops, the current will drop to the quiescent current)
Measurement ~25 mA (averaged over the 2 s)


Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.


Producto Compatible Nota
CR1000 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR5000 (retired) The CR5000 supports the SDI-12 mode only.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000X (retired)

Equipos para montajes

Producto Compatible Nota
ENC10/12 If using the RS-232 port, the AVW216 must be mounted flat to fit in an ENC10/12.
ENC12/14 If using the RS-232 port, the AVW216 must be mounted flat to fit in an ENC12/14.


Producto Compatible Nota
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired) The CR10 supports the SDI-12 mode only.
CR10X (retired) The CR10X supports the SDI-12 mode only.
CR23X (retired) The CR23X supports the SDI-12 mode only.
CR500 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR9000C (retired)

Información de compatibilidad adicional


The AVW216 Vibrating Wire Spectrum Analyzer Module allows our data loggers to measure vibrating wire strain gages, pressure transducers, piezometers, tiltmeters, crackmeters, and load cells.


The AVW216's internal spread-spectrum radio can transmit data to other AVW216 analyzer modules, RF416 spread-spectrum radios, and RF432 spread-spectrum radios. The AVW216 does not have a transparent mode, and therefore its internal radio cannot communicate with the RF415 radio.

Enclosure Considerations

The AVW216 requires a desiccated, non-condensing environment. A Campbell Scientific enclosure is recommended when the analyzer module is in the field. The AVW216 has built-in keyhole flanges for mounting to an enclosure backplate.

Power Considerations

The AVW216 is typically powered by the data logger's power supply.


AVW200 OS v.06 (551 KB) 10-06-2016

Current AVW200 firmware. Use the Device Configuration Utility version 1.13 or greater to send firmware and to configure the AVW200.

Historial revisiones

AVW200 Program Examples v.1 (8 KB) 31-01-2025

Example programs for the AVW200 and AVW206. The examples demonstrate a direct RS-232 connection to the AVW200, a wireless connection to an AVW206, an SDI-12 connection to the AVW200 and using multiplexers with the AVW200.