El RF401 ya no está disponible y ha sido sustituido por el RF401A. Algunos accesorios, repuestos o servicios todavía disponibles.
El radiomodem RF416 trabaja en el rango de frecuencias 2.45 - 2.46 GHz, utilizado en muchos paises del mundo. La radio de 50mW de potencia puede transmitir los datos a otra radio RF416, RF432, a un datalogger CR216(X), o a un interface de cuerda vibrante AVW216.
El RF416 soporta comunicaciones punto a punto y punto a multipunto. Se puede utilizar como radiomodem conectado al datalogger, como repetidor independiente, o en la estación base conectado al PC.
Producto no comercializable en Europa a partir del 1/1/2015 debido a cambios en la legislación europea. Únicamente puede comercializarse a clientes de Europa bajo declaración escrita de que su uso será fuera de Europa o para la sustitución de alguna unidad estropeada en una instalación existente.
Nota: The RF401 es un producto obsoleto, aunque el manual sigue estando disponible en esta página.
Leer másEl RF416 reduce la susceptibilidad a interferencias RF de otras fuentes de radio de espectro ampliado, debido a las plantillas de salto de frecuencia definibles por el usuario. Las radios de espectro ampliado u espectro ensanchado ("spread spectrum") realizan un ensanchamiento de la señal estrecha a transmitir a lo largo de una banda muy ancha de frecuencias. Esto permite que las comunicaciones sean más inmunes al ruido e interferencias de fuentes RF que puedan llegar de localizadores, telefonía móvil u otros.
Número de FAQs relacionadas con RF416: 6
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Yes. The BMP5 Direct SDK can communicate with the datalogger as long as two conditions are met:
These radios ship with an SC12 serial cable and a 10873 RS-232 cable.
The RF416 is a 50 mW, 2.45 to 2.46 GHz radio that requires true line of sight. In a dry environment, with absolutely no physical obstruction to impair the line-of-sight path, and with the proper and elevated antennas, the expected range is approximately 5 miles for the RF416.
Antenna selection depends on multiple criteria:
To help with antenna selection and site placement, consider renting and using a demo kit to test the pathway quality. Campbell Scientific offers a 900 MHz demo kit for the RF401, RF430, CR206X, and AVW206, as well as a demo kit for the RF450. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.
Frequency | 2.450 to 2.482 GHz |
Radio Type | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) |
Country Used In | Any country where 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi communications are allowed |
Transmission Distance | 0.4 km (0.25 mi) with omnidirectional antenna (outdoors); up to 0.8 km (0.5 mi) with higher-gain directional antennas at ideal conditions |
RS-232 Baud Rate | 38.4k, 19.2k, 9600, 4800, or 1200 bps |
Channel Capacity | 65,000 Network Identifiers share 25 hop channels. |
Frequency Hopping Patterns | 6 different selectable patterns |
Frequency Control | Direct FM |
Receiver Sensitivity | -104 dBm at 10-4 bit error rate (Campbell Scientific protocols will issue retries wherever a bit error occurs.) |
Interference Rejection | 70 dB (at pager and cellular phone frequencies) |
Power Output | 50 mW (nominal) |
Data Rate | 10 kbps |
Antenna Connector | Reverse Polarity SMA (RPSMA) |
RS-232 Connector | 9-pin D female (4 wire: Tx, Rx, CTS, GND) |
CS I/O Connector | 9-pin D male |
Power | 9 to 16 Vdc |
Operating Temperature Range | -25° to +50°C |
LEDs | Power on, TX, RX, diagnostics |
Power Connector | Barrel plug, center positive 12 V (used to connect the 14291 Field Power Cable) |
Average Current Drain |
Communication Ports |
Dimensions | 11.4 x 7.0 x 2.9 cm (4.5 x 2.8 x 1.1 in.) |
Weight | 227 g (8 oz) |
Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.
The RF416 spread spectrum radio can communicate with the internal spread spectrum radio of our CR216(X) dataloggers. Certain RF416 settings must match the CR216(X) settings for communications between the radio and data logger to be successful. The factory default settings of these devices may not match; therefore, they may need to be reconfigured before communications can take place. For more information, refer to the Quick Reference Guide for Setting Up RF401-to-CR206 Communication application note (see Documents on the right).
RF416 radios can be used in networks containing RF432 and RF415 radios. When RF416 radios are used in networks that include RF415 radios, the Protocol must be set to Transparent. Also, If RF415 and RF416 radios will be in the same RF proximity, do not use 28, 44, 52, 56, or 60 for the RF415 Net Address. RF415 radios with Net Addresses of 28, 44, 52, and 56 interfere with RF416 radios with Net Addresses of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The RF415 Net Address of 60 interferes with all RF416 Net Addresses.
The RF416's 2.4 GHz radio is also a good fit for parallel operation in RF450, 900 MHz networks due to the frequency difference (i.e., 2400 MHz versus 900 MHz).
Campbell Scientific does not recommend using the RF416 in networks containing FGR-115 radios.
Do not mix RF416 radios set to the Transparent protocol with RF416 or RF432 radios set to either of the PakBus protocols, since this will produce RF traffic without any RF communications. However radios with the PakBus Aware and PakBus Node settings can coexist in the same network (i.e., some radios set to PakBus Aware and some radios set to PakBus Node).
A desiccated, non-condensing environment is required. The 14162 Mounting Kit includes hardware for securing the RF416 to an enclosure backplate (see Ordering Info).
Current RF401, RF411, RF416 firmware. Requires the Device Configuration Utility.