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CS725 Sensor equivalencia nieve - agua
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El CS725 mide el equivalente nieve-agua (SWE), detectando de forma pasiva el cambio que experimenta de forma natural la energía electromagnética del suelo al atravesar el manto de nieve. Se instala por encima del suelo y no tiene ningun contacto con la nieve. Al aumentar el grosor del manto de nieve, el sensor detecta la atenuación de la energía electromagnética emitida por la tierra, y así puede calcular el índice SWE. El área de medida del CS725 es de 50 a 100 metros cuadrados, siendo un excelente sustituto de los tradicionales "snow pillow" y "snow scale".

Aplicaciones típicas para el CS725:

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Ventajas y características

  • Medida sin contacto
  • Excelente sustituto de los tradicionales sensores snow-pillow
  • No funde nieve ligera
  • Reduce apreciablemente las visitas al lugar
  • No es necesario preparar y trabajar el terreno
  • Rendimiento no afectado por lluvia o nieve
  • Efectivo para cualquier tipo de nieve o hielo
  • No genera deslizamiento de nieve
  • Siete años ciclo mantenimiento
  • No requiere anticongelantes


Descripción detallada

The CS725 uses an innovative, non-contact method of measuring snow water equivalent (SWE). It passively detects the change in naturally occurring electromagnetic energy (mainly from the decay of 40K) from the ground after it passes through snow cover.

As SWE changes, the amount of energy that penetrates the snow pack changes—regardless of the state of the water (that is, liquid or frozen). A sensor installed above the ground prior to the first snowfall will have a base-line measurement of the electromagnetic energy coming from the ground. As snow accumulates and energy is attenuated, the SWE value will increase. The CS725 has an internal processor that determines the SWE and sends this information to a datalogger or communication device via RS-232.

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con CS725: 5

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  1. Yes, however the data would have to be back-calculated at the end of the season once all snow has melted, you would not have real-time SWE measurements.

  2. The CS725 should be installed prior first snow fall to establish a good baseline reading. However, it can be installed after and the data back-calculated at the end of season. The only problem with this is you won’t have accurate SWE values during the season.
  3. No, at this time the sensor does not output in SDI-12 format; however, it may be added in the future.

  4. No, it only measures naturally emitted gamma radiation coming from the ground.  The strongest signal of gamma comes from potassium-40 (40K). 

  5. The sensor takes the measurement and outputs data in RS-232 format.  If your datalogger can receive RS-232 signals, it should work with the CS725.  It’s also best that the datalogger can measure volumetric soil moisture.


Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.


Producto Compatible Nota
CR1000 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Información de compatibilidad adicional

Collimator Considerations

Other sources of electromagnetic radiation (40K) such as trees, vegetation, and buildings that are not covered by the same amount of snow as the ground can affect the readings. To filter these signals, the optional heavy steel collar (collimator assembly, pn 29390) is installed on the bottom of the CS725.

The following chart outlines when a collimator should be used:

Site Characteristics Maximum SWE 300 mm Maximum SWE 300 to 400 mm Maximum SWE > 400 mm

Very open site with no proximity to trees, buildings, or tall vegetation within a 48 m (160 ft) radius




No trees, buildings, or tall vegetation within a 24 m (80 ft) radius




No trees, buildings, or tall vegetation within a 12 m (40 ft) radius




Site with minimum clearance radius of 6 m (20 ft) radius




Note: Always confirm that your sensor has the “Collimator Installed” parameter set properly. The SWE calculations are different for a sensor with and without a collimator.


Measurement Range 600 mm maximum water equivalent
  • ±15 mm (from 0 to 300 mm)
  • ±15% (from 300 to 600 mm)
Resolution 1 mm
Coverage Angle 60°
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +40°C
Power Requirements 11 to 15 Vdc
Power Consumption 180 mA
Output Options RS-232 (1200 to 115200 bps)
Cable Type Four conductor, two-twisted pair, 22 AWG, Santoprene jacket
Warranty 2 years
Maximum Cable Length 30 m (98.43 ft)
Diameter 12.7 cm (5 in.)
Length 62 cm (24.4 in.)
Main Body Weight 9 kg (20 lb)
Collimator Weight 25 kg (55 lb)
Total Weight 34 kg (75 lb)

Casos de aplicación

Northern Canada: Hydro-electric Power Forecasting
Climate change is an important global issue that poses challenges to many facets of our......leer más
Italy: CS725 SWE Sensor Field Test
System integrator Hortus Srl installed a Campbell Scientific CS725 SWE sensor (Snow Water Equivalent) in......leer más

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