Energía / Energía solar

Cómo podemos ayudarle

At Campbell Scientific, our approach to the design and manufacture of robust monitoring systems empowers solar energy project developers and operators with the critical information needed to make performance ratio calculations, reports, and critical decisions that ensure their return on investment.

Our solution designs, community, and client interactions demonstrate that we are a trusted advisor with the knowledge and experience to ensure your monitoring solution will outlast the life of your solar projects.

Informed by direct client interaction, field experience, and our insatiable curiosity about what we can do to reduce project uncertainty and waste, we provide systems and sensors for solar resource monitoring, operational solar met monitoring, and PV soiling. 

Learn more about our agrivoltaic solutions.

Campbell Scientific Agrivoltaic Monitoring System

Let us know how we can help you with your solar monitoring projects.

Consulte algunos excelentes ejemplos de lo que nuestros equipos pueden hacer en este área

energía eólica Energía eólica

Automated weather station with solar panels and technicians

Services and Support to Meet Your Needs

Campbell Scientific provides a range of services to help you select, install, configure, and commission your monitoring system.

Visit our Services and Support web page to learn more.



Sistema a medida

Además de nuestros sistemas estándar, muchos de los sistemas que comercializamos son personalizables y adaptables a sus necesidades. Díganos que necesita y le ayudamos a configurar el sistema de medida que se ajuste a sus necesidades.

Categorías de Producto relacionadas

Casos de aplicación

Virginia: Bifacial Meteorological Solution
Project Overview In May of 2021, Vertech embarked on a project to supply their client, DEPCOM......leer más
France: Dynamic Agrivoltaism
Agrivoltaics or dual-use solar is a system combining an agricultural crop (viticulture, arboriculture, field crops,......leer más
France: Dynamic Agrivoltaism
Agrivoltaics or dual-use solar is a system combining an agricultural crop (viticulture, arboriculture, field crops,......leer más
Ontario: Solar-Energy Programs
With climate change and pollution becoming important issues globally, it is important for governments and......leer más
Chile: Solar Panel Soiling
Valhalla, an energy company in Chile, is making resource assessment and solar-panel soiling measurements in......leer más
South Africa: Solar Prospecting
Historically, the South African energy sector had been monopolized by a single state-owned utility company......leer más
Solar Monitoring at Canada’s First Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plant
The small southern Alberta city of Medicine Hat is the first city in the world......leer más
North Carolina: Monitoring “Green” Hotel
When Dennis Quaintance decided to build the Proximity Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina, he knew......leer más

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con Energía solar: 1

  1. Most Campbell Scientific systems are built from individual components. This provides maximum flexibility for our customers, but it does not lend itself to pricing a "typical" system. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance in pricing a system to meet the unique needs of the application.

Integradores y Distribuidores

The following is a list of companies that have developed expertise in our products and provide consulting, installation, and other services for energía solar applications.

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