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RM YOUNG 81000 Problems - Not working out of the box

LoggerBoy Jan 19, 2012 05:03 AM

Hi All,
I have a RM YOUNG 81000 with both voltage and analogue outputs and I have been unable to talk to it using hyperterminal and all the volatges read zero even when placed in front of a fan. I have double and triple checked all the connection settings in hyperterminal and the jumper and wiring settings but still no luck. Does anyone have any experience using this sensor that may be able to provide some assisatnce?


Grant Jan 19, 2012 11:27 PM

Have you tried to check the voltage outputs with a multimeter to make sure the device is working?

Shorting blocks in correct position? (top position)

Tx on 81000 to Rx on logger? (and Rx to Tx)

The other thing I ran across (when at the top of a 100m mast) was having to be connected to the device, hyperterminal open, then apply the power.

You may also want to try different baud rates in Hyperterminal, just in case the 81000 has been set to something other than default.

LoggerBoy Jan 20, 2012 05:14 AM

Thanks for the reply.

Yes have checked voltage outputs and I have 0.0000 or there about.

Yes shorting blocks are in correct positions.

Yes have tried swapping TX and RX around.

Have tried different baud rates and the best I can get from it is three *** (at 38400 baud) or when I change baud rates some other different characters.

It's got me beat, this thing should be a simple serial connection?


Grant Jan 20, 2012 06:38 AM

My guess is that it is broken.

Regardless of whether you can connect a computer or a logger to the RS232 output, it should still give 0-5V on the voltage outputs when power is applied.

1, speed
2, direction
3, elevation (angle)
4, sonic temp

I have one here I could swap with you, it's been hit by lightning and is a little bit black and sooty on the inside, the outside is only a little bit charred though!

One last thing to try before returning yours, don't connect the computer, apply power and try the voltage outputs.

I just connected a good one I have here to 12V and the breeze in the office gave about 25 mV on channel one and when I blew through it it went up to 300 mV which equates to about 0.3 m/s



LoggerBoy Jan 22, 2012 11:40 PM

Hi Grant,

Sounds as if your charred unit is about as useful as my new unit so probably not worth the swap.

Have tried analogues as you have suggested and I have absolutley no response from them, even placed the sensor in front of a large industrial work shop fan and nothing happened.

I think it's back to the supplier for warranty.


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