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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 articles tagged with: DNP3

Understanding the Roles of Data Loggers, RTUs, PLCs, and PACs

Autor: Jacob Davis | Última actualización: 02/28/2018 | Comentarios: 1

understanding the roles of data loggers, rtus, plcs, and pacs

Now and then, someone will ask if a Campbell Scientific data logger can be used in place of a PLC (programmable logic controller) or an RTU (remote terminal unit). Admittedly, it is not a simple question to answer. The capabilities of modern PLCs, RTUs, and... leer más

How to Access Your Measurement Data Using DNP3

Autor: Paul Smart | Última actualización: 09/02/2016 | Comentarios: 1

how to access your measurement data using dnp3

Turning your Campbell Scientific data logger into a DNP3 outstation is a great way to allow systems that use the DNP3 protocol to have access to your live measurement data, as well as historical data. When you use your data logger as a DNP3 outstation, the... leer más

Más de 10 razones que maravillan del nuevo datalogger CR300

Autor: Robin Deissinger | Última actualización: 03/16/2016 | Comentarios: 3

más de 10 razones que maravillan del nuevo datalogger cr300

En esta breve entrevista, Kevin Rhodes, product manager del nuevo datalogger CR300, nos explicará que valor añadido puede aportar a nuestros clientes de Campbell Scientific. Kevin es Director de productos en Campbell Scientific, Inc. El fue entrevistado por Robin Deissinger, editor de nuestro blog. Entrevista Q&A Control... leer más

Vamos a conocer el protocolo DNP3

Autor: Paul Smart | Última actualización: 01/20/2016 | Comentarios: 0

vamos a conocer el protocolo dnp3

Have you heard of DNP3 but been unsure of what it is or what it’s used for? In this brief article, I’ll introduce you to this communications protocol, its role in SCADA applications, and how you can use it with your Campbell Scientific equipment and... leer más