Descripción del evento

From the American Meteorology Society website:

The 36th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

The 18th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography was hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the Committee on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography.

The 15th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

The Seventh Conference on Atmospheric Biogeosciences is hosted by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences.

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Detalles evento
Fecha: May 12-16, 2025
Lugar: Denver, CO and online

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